Saturday, March 1, 2014

A Little Quirky in Arizona

Ah, Urban life in North Central Phoenix, Arizona.  Nothing like the sound of an occasional coyote, or owl along with the occasional appearance of the token javelina, quail, cottontail, or roadrunner.  Hold it, let's back up a bit.  Who is this quirky urbnite and why should you read this blog?

Hi, I'm Becky. Born in Ft. Dix, New Jersey, raised in Phoenix, AZ by my grandparents who happen to be from Mountain City, Tennessee. I lived in the same house and went to the same grade school and high school.  I didn't move around much until the 1990's where I lived in both San Diego and Los Angeles.  During that time I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease.  More on that later.  I moved back to my childhood home in Arizona in 2000.  In 2006 I moved to my cute urban condo located smack dab in the middle of a mountain preserve  here in North Central Phoenix. AKA Dreamy Draw.  I am an avid hiker, baker and kayaker. Oh and I just happen to teach preschool at an all natural organic preschool.

I have one small goal these days.  I want to live as sustainable as possible and eat the best quality foods and rid myself of dependence on chemicals and all things processed in my diet. I know, lofty!.  I have another blog that has kinda fizzled for me it was a food blog.  Baking bread and cupcakes is fine but I really wanted more.  So here goes.  My goal is not to be a how to blog but a what happens if? blog.  I will be testing other people's blog ideas for natural sustainable living and clean eating and posting my findings here. My posts will be about the most frugal way to live clean and green!

I hope that you will follow me on my journey.  I am always open to ideas for posts.  If you want me to try something please suggest!

Live Green
The Quirky Urban Girl


  1. Congrats on your new blog! I'll pop by now and then and compare notes. If I may, I recommend going to the template designer section on Blogger and setting the width of your section, then you won't have the long stream of vertical letters off to the right. It's pretty user friendly and has a lot of tweaks you can do with your blog. I'm always changing mine, so Template Designer is really my buddy. Good luck and Happy Blogging!

    1. Okay, I think I fixed it.. I hope! Let me know if you see anymore issues! Thank you so much!

  2. Thanks Genna! Your input means a lot! I hope to learn from you and hope that you don't mind me asking lots of questions!!!

  3. Have you considered changing your cleaning products in your home too? We did it about 6 months ago mostly for the dogs.....thier noses snd lungs are so close to the ground. Ya know?

    1. Thanks for your comment. I have switched to all natural products for cleaning as well.
